
Arctic Sunshine's Continuing Chaos


Hungarian Champion
Hungarian Veteran Champion
Veteran Clubwinner and Clubstar 2020.




HJCH Goldust’s 

Argos Never Forget



Goldust’s Xsay No More

CH Goldust’s Chasing Chaos

USA CH Tikoh Goldust Silent Chase

USA CH Goldust’s Li’l Bit O’Chaos

USA CH Goldust’s Onyx Accolade

Atun’s Czar of Snowfire

CH Twf Ice Mirage of Goldust



USA CH Goldust’s Anything You Want

Nanuke’s a Rumor of War

USA CH Nanuke’s Revolutionary

USA CH Nanuke’s Seal Of Approval

Goldust’s Xtanding Ovation

CH Goldust’s Simba of Sno-Cub

USA CH Goldust’s Onyx Accolade




Arctic Sunshine’s Beautiful Day



CH Atanik’s Kuskokwim Incognito

USA CH Sno Klassic Above The Rim

USA CH Nanuke’s Lockport Louie

Sno Klassic Chenega Kaniksu

USA CH Atanik’s Goldrush Livin On The Edge

USA CH Nanuke’s Take No Prisoners

USA CH Kasaan Atanik’s The Seducer



HCH Arctic Sunshine’s 

Alyeska Tuaq

HCH Goldust’s Shiningstar Sachel

USA CH Tikoh Goldust Silent Chase

USA CH Goldust’s Li’l Bit O’Chaos


HCH Fjordok Gyöngye Adél

CH Alaszka Farkasa Bravo

Akóvölgyi Adél